The charitable tax number for St. Philip's is 119079671RR0001.
Please read this year's attached Stewardship package, God's Gifts. Our Gifts. to learn why and how much St Philip's needs your financial support, as well as your time and talents. You are essential.
There are several ways to donate to St. Philip's - including donating your time, talents or treasure.
Donations to General Funds support the daily running of St. Philip's Church, from salaries to utilities to repairs, and all the church's many programs.
Please consider giving a special donation in celebration of God's unending love.
This is a simple two-step process to make a donation, with no fee.
1. Send an email to with the following contact information:
We need this information to send you a tax receipt
2. After you've sent us your information, send your e-transfer to
The most convenient and consistent way to ensure that your donations reach us regularly for a calendar year is to set up Pre-Authorized Donations so that your gifts are automatically withdrawn monthly from your bank account (at no fee) or credit card (2% - 2.5% fee), regardless of circumstances. Whether you attend church in-person or worship by watching our live streamed services, your donation always arrives safe and sound. If you choose to change the amount of your pledge during the year, you can at any time by contacting the parish administrator, below.
Please print and fill out the PAD form Financial Promise 2024 attached below. You may put it in an envelope in the collection plate, or email or mail the completed form to our parish administrator at St Philip's Church office at
Note: a new PAD form must be updated at the end of each year to continue your financial support of St Philip's. Your pledge from last year ends on December 31. You only have to renew the PAD form once, and you're all set for the year!
We accept online donations through Canada Helps: Donate now via Canada Helps
For this service and your tax receipt, CanadaHelps charges St Philip's a percentage of your gift: 3.5% for each monthly gift or 4% for a single gift. By March of the new year, Canada Helps will send you the charitable receipt.
Offertory Envelopes can be found in the Narthex and in the pews. Please fill out the information on the envelope and complete your year's donations by mid-December if you wish to receive an annual tax receipt for all the year's donations to St Philip's. Tax receipts are usually issued from mid-February to mid-March.
Identified donors to St. Philip's will receive a single tax receipt by mid-March for a total of all identified donations made to St Philip's in the previous tax year. Pick it up at church to spare the cost of mailing it to you.
All donations made through CanadaHelps will receive a tax receipt directly from Canada Helps, not from St Philip's.