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The Order of Service and Notices and the readings can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


Holy Eucharist - All Saints Day (24th Sunday After Pentecost)

Celebrant and Preacher:  The Reverend Liz Ruder-Celiz


First Reading:  Isaiah 25: 6-9

Psalm  24

Second ReadingRevelation 21: 1-6a  

The Holy Gospel:  John 11:32-44


Flowers: The flowers at the altar are dedicated to our beloved Mum, Mama, Granny and friend, Joanna Shepheard.  Joanna loved, and was loved by, all. Min, Linda and family, and Keith honour her with these flowers.  Joanna left us six years ago, and not a day has gone by where we haven’t thought about her and how she made our world a better place. Joanna is forever in our hearts and we strive to honour her legacy.  We love you, Joanna. 

Image:  The Raising of Lazarus (Sebastian del Piombo incorporating designs by Michelangelo, 1517-19). National Gallery, London (NG1). Liz Ruder-Celiz