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The “Doctrine of Discovery, Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts” is a challenging, thoughtful documentary produced by the Anglican Church of Canada. It is meant to provide education and insight on the Doctrine and create an awareness of its legacy and lasting impact. It is recommended that the video be viewed in its entirety (67 minutes) before attending the Lenten Study group to discuss and reflect on the chapters.

Gather with facilitators Kerry Baisley ODNW and Rev. Lorne Manweiler on five Wednesday evenings in Lent, March 9 - April 6. Participants will read, learn, listen, discuss and reflect on the role of the Doctrine of Discovery in our shared history and through the lens of Scripture. How do we respond as Christians?

You are asked to preview video sections and other resources in advance at  Videos and Resources

Read the weekly sections of the study guide:  Study Guide

Please bring your Bible and note-taking supplies with you.

Read more in the flyer attached below.