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January 11, 2021 

Dear People of St Philip’s, 

As you know by now, Stuart Hallam has resigned as Rector of St. Philip’s. The Wardens received his resignation with deep sadness at losing not only a wonderful priest, but a great friend. We are grateful for Stuart’s visionary and inspirational leadership over the past three years, and wish him, Laura, and Matilda all God’s blessings as they prepare to return home to the UK this spring. We will send with them our love and our prayers. 

Archbishop Melissa Skelton, Bishop Elect John Stephens, Executive Archdeacon Douglas Fenton, and Regional Archdeacon Stephanie Shepard have all committed their support to the Wardens and the people of St Philip’s in this period of transition. The Diocese has expressed a desire that the interregnum should last only a few months, and has encouraged parish leadership to move forward quickly in the search for our next Rector. Our goal, and the Diocese’s goal, is to have the position filled by this coming summer.  

The hiring process and the formation of the Search Committee (formerly known as the Canonical Committee) is mandated by the Diocesan Canons. More information can be found at, but in brief, there are three essential steps in the process.  

Step 1 is to draft a Parish Profile. This document acts as a job description and advertisement for potential candidates. The Parish Profile will outline our history, describe our community, and set out our vision for the future, as well as define the qualities of the priest we seek.  

Step 2 is to advertise the position locally, nationally, and world-wide. This is undertaken by the Diocese on our behalf. Applications are received by the Diocese, and a list of suitable candidates will be forwarded to the Search Committee. 

In Step 3, the Search Committee will review the applications, do initial interviews, and conduct further interviews with those candidates who make a secondary and then final short-list. Personal references will be consulted before the Search Committee makes a final decision.  

The Search Committee membership is dictated by the Canons. It is comprised of the Wardens, Delegates to Synod, and Alternate Delegates to Synod at the time of the Rector’s resignation. By canon law, then, the members of search committee to find Stuart’s replacement are: Brian Mix, Debbie Matheson, Diana Bragg, Suzi Noetzel, Trina Wilson, Claire Munn, Janice Hope, Deb Hamilton, Michael Vondette, Glenna Geddes, Graeme Mix, and Duncan Wilson.  

The above named will be meeting via zoom this evening, Monday, January 11, with Archdeacon Stephanie Shepard to begin the Search Committee process. 

The Wardens and the Search Committee will do our best to communicate with all parishioners throughout the process, though of course some elements of the process are necessarily confidential. If you know suitable candidates you are encouraged to suggest they apply. We ask that you keep in touch with us by sharing your questions, concerns, and suggestions, and we ask for your prayers for Stuart, the Wardens, and the Search Committee members during this time of transition.  

Yours in Christ, 

Debbie Matheson       Brian Mix         Diana Bragg     Suzi Noetzel